Dollars and Sense: Coordinate Graphing


Now that we’ve learned about charts and graphs, we’re going to look at another math skill, coordinate graphing, which can help with charts. Please do the following activities:

Photo Credit:  365/245 from teachingsagittarian on Flickr

Dollars and Sense: Make a Graph

Go to create a graph here:

and make a graph with some of the data from the tape lessons we did before. Make sure you do two things:

  • Add your name on the “Data” tab under Title or Source
  • At the end under “Print/Save” send an email to me at with your work

Thanks and good luck!

Unit Pricing: Finishing up

Look at your comment from last time. Click on the Reply button below your comment, and tell me which roll is cheaper based on unit price.

Remember the formula for unit pricing:

$Price ÷ Measurement = $Unit Price

Please tell me the unit price for each of these rolls of tape. Send you answer as a comment below.

price2-300x225 price1-300x225

10 yards for $2.39

60 yards for $6.79