Did you know that …

Dear ToKers,

Given that our most recent guest speaker revealed some of our need for (Ahem…cough…shall I say to be more well informed about current events) awareness of international events, I want us to play a game that I am calling “Did you know that…?”

In this game, the rules are simple:

1) Find a current event of international importance

2) explain how this event relates to our study of ethics as an area of knowledge

3) Do NOT duplicate events; in other words, you must read what others have posted prior to posting your current event. If someone else has ‘your’ event, then you must continue researching.

4) Begin your post with the phrase…”Did you know that …” (Be sure to embed the link to the article you are referring to in your post)

Bonus) discussion of ‘ways of knowing’

Suggested online news agencies: RT, PBS, NPR, Al Jazeera, BBC, CNN, Democracy Now, Bill Moyers, Tavis Smiley, and Comedy Central.

Due: Monday, 6 January, 12:01 a.m.