Writeon's Blog

A Sacramento City School Blog

Grammarly Chrome Extension for IB Written Assignment


Dear Seniors,

Tomorrow, Friday, February 24th, we will use our class time to upload our IB written assignments from the junior year. This is your Neruda, Murakami, or Ninh reflective statement and essay.

Unlike Microsoft Word, Chrome does not support grammar check, that is, unless you add a specific extension to your chrome browser. I’ve become confident that Grammarly is an effective tool for finding errors in grammar, punctuation, syntax, and usage. I strongly suggest that you add it.

Grammarly Extension on the Chrome Store


Once that is added, it may ask you for permissions and which documents you want it to scan. Make your choices.

Then, open your written assignment, and voila! It will check your document for errors. It’s very accurate, so I suggest that you make revisions as necessary.

Thanks again,

MR. Coey

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