Register at Peek and click on the “Create Your Perfect Day” in New Orleans. Create it, including listing why you picked the places and activities you did.
If Peek is blocked, do the same assignment with Stay.
Type your research paper on New Orleans (the one you developed from your data set) in a Word document, and then copy and paste it in the comments section here.
Type your essay “Sacramento, My Home” into a Word document, print it out, and then copy and paste it into the comments section of this post.
Afterwards, you can use it to create a PowerPoint.
Divide your paper into the categories you used for your Data Set.
Look through The Best Websites For Teaching & Learning About New Orleans and write down at least three new items in each category.
Go to Spaaze and type each new item you wrote and find a picture for it. Copy and paste the url address of your Board into the comments section of this post.
Use Webklipper and show at least three reading strategies on any webpage related to New Orleans.
You can start at Wikipedia.
Go to Sacramento Flood Maps. Click on the “Rescue” maps for the area you live in (probably either South Sacramento or The Pocket).
The areas in red will flood immediately. People who live in the yellow area will have a little time to escape.
Which color area is your home located in? What would you take with you if you only had a few minutes to escape the flood? Why?
The road in green are the safe ways to leave. Which road would you take?
If members of your family were in different places when the flood began, do you have a place where you would meet?
Watch this animation of Sacramento being flooded.
Hundreds of Sacramento schools, elder care homes prone to flooding is an interactive map.
Here’s even more information.
Make a short PowerPoint presentation from the postcard you wrote from New Orleans. It should be at least four slides and ideally more.
Upload it to Authorstream and paste it in the comments section of this post.
A.D. New Orleans After The Deluge is the story of Katrina in comic book form.
Please read all the parts — you’ll see on the right “A.D. Archives.” Click on and read each section.
After you’re done, please write in the comments section of this post two things you liked about it, and one think you learned.
Choose three questions from your KWL chart. Research the answers to them. You can either go to Mr. Ferlazzo’s website section on New Orleans to find the answers, or you can search through Google.
Please write the questions and answers in the comments section of this post.
Develop a dialogue between at least two people (you can have more) who are experiencing the natural disaster you wrote about in your essay.
Go to Google Story Builder and re-create it. Post the link in the comments section of this post.