12 thoughts on “Assignment #9b

  1. I would like to start a business by raking. It is fun to rake. You get paid a lot.
    If you made enough, would you buy a blower?–Ms. Mercer.

  2. if would start a business i would paint nails and i will do make up.
    That’s a good choice. You have to work with a lot of different people. Do you like meeting people?–Ms. Mercer

  3. I would like sell lemoned.I would start a business like that because it is fun.
    Could you make enough money to live on selling lemonade? How much do you think you’d have to sell to make a living?–Ms. Mercer

  4. working about business is so hard because you might not know how many people are in your business.diana
    Yes, that’s true. You could try to find out though couldn’t you? Walking around, searching the Internet, and Yellow Pages?–Ms. Mercer

  5. #4 I would want to be Patrick’s friend because he is funny.
    But he is not very smart. Does that matter? Is is better that you would be smarter than him?–Ms. Mercer

  6. My business will be sell video games. I had a dream having a store.
    So your dream is to own a video game store. You could make a lot of money at that if you planned it right.–Ms. Mercer

  7. When I start a business I want to be a video game maker.
    You want to be a video game maker or designer?–Ms. Mercer

  8. A good risk is to not drink,smoke while in a car. A bad risk is to drink while in a car.
    This is not answering the question I asked. If you could start a business, what would it be?–Ms. Mercer

  9. I would make a good business so peoples would come and get my things and so I can still be on business.

    What would you do that people would come and get? Would you make something to sell?–Ms. Mercer

  10. In my business I would sale bracelets and necklaces.and I would sale pictures.
    Would you make them yourself, or sell what other people make? Do you like art and artistic things?–Ms. Mercer

  11. How are you Miss Mercer?
    I’m okay Jordan, but you haven’t written me about what business you would like to create.–Ms. Mercer