Risk and Consequences Lesson Three

Write two sentences about a good risk that you or another person might take. Something where you would be risking failure, but where something good would happen if you succeed.

36 thoughts on “Risk and Consequences Lesson Three

  1. A good risk to take is when you try something knew that your not good at or your scared of it …..

  2. A risk that you could take is when you don’t know how to do something like spelling.

  3. I took a risk by riding a two wheel bike on the cement. I would also take a risk by camping in the woods.

  4. I think that those are some good risk and a risk I would take is like let’s say that there was a party and they were going to go skating and I was afraid to go and I go and i fall and all the people there all start to be mean and start to giggle and I get up and I try again and I don’t fall and I just learned how to skate and I keep skating and I just learned how to skate.

  5. I took a risk of skydiving out of a airplane. An other one is when I was about to fall of a bridge.

  6. Its a risk because if you mess up people will laugh at you.also you will be sometimes scared of your fears.

  7. If I was learning how to skateboard and I fall.Would people be laughing at me? But I didn’t my sister helped me.

  8. A good risk is like you know how to do something and then you try and he next thing you know you got it.

  9. If I took a risk I would help a person across the street and I would also tooter people everyday.