54 thoughts on “Cooperation and Competition: Setting Goals

  1. Goals for this year is to score proficent or advance and to do good on the star test this year.

  2. My goal for this school year my goal is to do my homework every day.My other goal is reading all day.

  3. My goal is to have good grade for this school year. It is also to have A+ on my Star Test this year.

  4. My goal for the school year is to behave and respect all of the teachers.Anther goal is to work hard and stay focus.

  5. I goal for this year is do great on everything I do. I want to success in this year before I go to 6 grade.

  6. My goals for the year are to get better in reading and writing.Those are my goals for the year.

  7. My goals for the year are i want to be better at Language Arts.Also i want to do my best on the Star Test . Those are my goals for the year.

  8. My goal this year is to get Advanced on the star test and learn all I suppose to know for fifth grade.I also hope that I can be smart.

  9. My goal for the year is to get at lest get prof on at all of the school work.That is my goal for the 5th grade.

  10. My goal for school is to get advance on my Math and English and to pass fifth grade to six grade.

  11. My goals for this year is to get ADVANCED on math I really want to get that so much i hope i get it.And i would like to get proficient on English language arts and i hope i get that too. So that’s what i want this year…..i hope i get it

  12. My goal this year is to pass fifth grade.Also be a good writer.Also to be advance in math and language arts. And be out of school so I could go to collage .

  13. My goal for this for this year is to be the best student for Mrs.Mercer this year.And I also want to get advance in math and language arts.And I want to be the best person I can be this year.