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A Sacramento City School Blog

Research and citations for Neruda


As you approach writing your essay, it would likely benefit you to research your chosen Neruda poem.

  • When was the poem written?
  • What was the historical context and how did this shape Neruda’s approach and technique?
  • What has been written about this poem already? In other words, are there academic papers which have already been published? If so, can you use these ideas and cite them in your essay? Do NOT use Sparknotes or other cheating websites.
  • When conducting research limit your search to .edu if possible; otherwise, you run the risk of including a dubious source.

To properly cite your source, please use www.easybib.com and follow the instructions for completing your citation.

For your chosen Neruda poem, use the following citation:

Neruda, Pablo. The Essential Neruda: Selected Poems. Ed. Mark Eisner. San Francisco: City Lights, 2004. Print.

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