CAHSEE Practice Test

Dear sophomores,

CAHSEE is next week, and we can prepare for this exam by reviewing a sample test and looking at practice questions. Look through this sample test, which begins on page 22 of this CAHSEE Study Guide. Answers to the practice test can be found on page 129. If there are any concepts or ideas you are unclear about, I want you to ask me for further assistance.

Also, review the CAHSEE Released Exam Questions for additional practice.

I believe that we are well-prepared for this exam, and I expect each one of you to pass quite easily.

Thank you for all of your hard-work and commendable effort.

Kind Regards,

Mr. Coey

One thought on “CAHSEE Practice Test”

  1. Hello Mr Coey,
    Sorry I haven’t been to class for the past week. I fractured my hip this past weekend and I’ve been in a lot of pain that has caused me to miss school. I will be coming back next week, but I wanted to know where I can find the CAHSEE Study Guide and released questions? If you could let me know that’d be great! Thank you!

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