Monthly Archives: March 2012

Go to FDR and The New Deal. Get the code from Mr. Ferlazzo.

Go to African-Americans and the New Deal. Get the code from Mr. Ferlazzo.


Watch all the videos on this page.

Watch this move about what caused the Great Depression and take the quizzes.

Watch this second movie about the Great Depression and take the quizzes.

Watch this movie about The New Deal and take the quizzes.

Learn more about The Great Depression. Be sure to click on the lower left hand corner so you can read the words as they are spoken.

Look at these color photographs of the Great Depression.

Watch this movie about Eleanor Roosevelt and take the quizzes.

Watch this movie about Franklin Roosevelt and take the quizzes.

Watch this slideshow about the Great Depression.

Watch these videos about The Great Depression.

Take this test about the Depression.

Watch this movie about Franklin Roosevelt and The New Deal. Take the quizzes, please.

Read about President Franklin Delano Roosevelt.

Watch this movie about Amelia Earhart and take the quizzes.

Learn about the Tennessee Valley Authority.


Read more about President Franklin Delano Roosevelt.

Read more about The Great Depression.

Take this quiz on The Great Depression.


Brainpop Movie

Learn About The Harlem Renaissance (Get the code from Mr. Ferlazzo)

Learn about Voting Rights For Women. Get the code from Mr. Ferlazzo.


Look at these videos about the 1920's.

Watch this movie about Communism and take the quizzes.

Learn about the Harlem Renaissance and take the quizzes.

Learn about Louis Armstrong and take the quizzes.

Watch this movie about the Scopes Monkey Trial and take the quizzes.

Listen to this presentation on income levels in the U.S. Be sure to click on the lower left hand corner so you can see the words as they are spoken.

Learn about the Boulder Dam.

Learn about Assembly Lines and take the quizzes.

Watch all the videos on this page -- if there's time.

Look at pictures from "The Roaring Twenties."


Do you think prohibition was a good idea? Why or why not? Write your answer on your website after talking about it with your partner.


Watch this movie
about Louis Armstrong.

Women's Suffrage Movie