17 thoughts on “Learn More About Advertising

  1. i learned advertising is important for the T.V a lot people watch it.
    people will be careful to the payment
    watching T.V can learn more about it

  2. i learned that the advertising is interesting also is important for the store because they can use it. also i liked because you learn more about advertising

  3. when you want to sale something, you should ad them. so, how many ways you can use to ad?
    – use the technology to show what you want everybody do, but the ads on their have to be emotional words.
    – use the ability to speak to convince customer.
    – give some game about stuff that you sale to customer, they will play the game and get information from there. if the games are good, then customers will decide that they buy.
    – use the poster to ads stuff.

  4. i like becuase it was interesting also in learnig more about advertising. also this can help to people that have store.

  5. i learned about what you need to do for buy a product. how the sellers are trying to sell you something without know if you need it. You have to see the product before buy it ..! go to different store and compare the price ..! ask all the question you want ..!

  6. ~ I learned how to make posters with information and flashy colors to attract customers.

    ~ I learned that the commercials on TV are very useful to give publicity to your product or business on time and more than most people watch TV.

    ~ I learned to sell products cheaper than the competition will have better sales.

  7. 1. I learn about a mulch-million dollar business.It know how to speak.

    2.Raising operating from advertising.everyone they need to

    3. I learn about the parents report that their children play in the family will be able to make the decision because follow the rule and do the right things.

  8. I learning that amongo was created by the federal Trade that help the children was 8-12 years old. And give them the knowledge they need to do.
    This Web side HTML report all information that is needed to meet by Admongo.gov has been one that can help children, parents and teachers of the game in the Admongo.
    This route I have learned this it is also is one of the things I learn in the Admongo game.

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