Unit Project On Reformers

Think of the people you learned about in this unit who were "reformers." They worked for justice, and tried to make life better.

Pick one of them who you would like to learn more about. Then think of someone today who you think is a reformer.

Please write a "compare/contrast" essay about the two of them. You might need to search the Internet to find out more information about your two people. You could first look for information on your two people at Fact Monster.

First, read this example of a compare/contrast essay.

First, use this Venn Diagram to identify how they are the same and how they are different. Please print it out when you are finished.  You can just write it on a piece of paper if you don't want to use the online form.

Second, use this Compare/Contrast Map to plan your essay. Be sure to click on "Similarities to Differences." Print-out your outline.

Third, paste it in the comments section here.

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