Americans Fight For Freedom


Copy and paste this Data Set about Benjamin Franklin in the comments section and categorize it.

Complete this cloze about Benjamin Franklin.

Learn more about Ben Franklin.

On Your Own

Watch and read these other resources about Franklin.  Please add at least eight more items to the categories in your data set.  It would be great if you could add even more!

Ben Franklin Movie (Please take both quizzes)
Ben Franklin Story Part One
Ben Franklin Story Part Two

Ben Franklin Again
Ben Franklin

On Your Own

Watch this movie on the American Revolution. Please take both quizzes.

Watch this movie on The Declaration of Independence. Please take both quizzes.

SAS The Stamp Act

Look at this famous painting about the signing of the Declaration of Independence and learn who is in the painting.

Complete this cloze about Thomas Jefferson.

Learn about Sally Hemings

Complete this cloze about the American Revolution.

Revolutionary War interactives

History Channel videos on American Revolution

With A Partner

Learn about the battles during the Revolutionary War.

Play The American Revolution Timeline Game with a partner.

Go to Class Zone. Click on Middle School, click on California and then click on Find Your Book. Next, click on American History. Then click on Animated History. Explore the animations.

1. Have you ever done something that was not "fair" in order to get something you wanted. What was it?

2. Do you think what Washington did was fair to the British?

3. When is it important to be fair to others, and when is it not important? Why?

Learn about the American Flag


On Your Own

Watch this movie about the Thirteen Colonies. If you do not go there directly after logging-in, find the movie under Social Studies. Please take both quizzes.

Watch the movie The Causes Of The American Revolution. If you do not go there directly after logging-in, find the movie under Social Studies. Please take both quizzes.

Play For Crown or Colony?

Complete this Timeline of early American History.

Watch this short video on The Struggle For North America.

Explore The Boston Tea Party.

Explore this American Revolution Timeline.

Here's another American Revolution timeline.

Learn about battle tactics during the Revolution.

SAS William Penn

With A Partner

Read about the Boston Tea Party.

Correct these sentences.


Thirteen Colonies Movie