Using Reading Strategies When Learning About Natural Disasters

Use Bounce to annotate webpages and copy and paste links to them in the comments section. Use these reading strategies:


Making Connections


Ask a Question


Find articles here (please don’t watch videos today — we’ll be bringing headphones and watching videos next week):

Go to this New York Times page and find the “Weather” box at the upper right hand corner and find an article you want to read that answers your questions about natural disasters.

Natural Disasters at Discover Magazine

Natural Disasters at The Guardian

Create A Cloze

Go to this New York Times page and find the “Weather” box at the upper right hand corner.

Copy and paste three or four paragraphs — enough to be able to create at least ten “blanks” — and create a cloze in a Word document. Leave the answer words at the bottom, but not in the correct order. Follow these rules:

* Do not leave blanks in the first or last sentence.

* Make sure that there are “clue” words for the blanks — the aim is to teach, not trick.

Paste the cloze in the comments section. Print out two copies — one for a classmate to complete and the other to turn into Mr. Ferlazzo or Ms. Hull. Circle the clue words on the one you turn-in.

Learning About Famous Natural Disasters

Go to A Compilation Of “The Best…” Lists About Natural Disasters.

Spend a period going through the links, which include videos.  Divide your paper into five sections, and write five facts about each of the natural disasters.

Next, go to Spaaze.

Create a Board, and these categories:






Write the five pieces of information you found on each disaster in a separate note, and write it in your own words under the category. Then get a picture to go with each of the pieces of information.

Paste the link to your Board in the comments section so you can go back and finish it.